Prescription Drug Round-Up or "Operation Medicine Cabinet": Twice a year, a local
D.A.R.E. officer joins with CERT to collect old prescription drugs and
other health care supplies that citizens no longer want or are out
dated. From our event in September 2012, we collected 2 tons of items.
We welcome any opportunity to use our well-stocked trailer.

AED Distribution November 2011: We were chosen as one of the Cuyhoga County distribution points for new AEDs.

Leslie Lesinski, Brian Russo, Tim Dodd, Tom Kalvas, and Melissa Mathys participated
Click here for more CERT pictures

AED Distribution November 2011: We were chosen as one of the Cuyhoga County distribution points for new AEDs.

Leslie Lesinski, Brian Russo, Tim Dodd, Tom Kalvas, and Melissa Mathys participated
Click here for more CERT pictures